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Dr. Cameron Ryba

Dr. Cameron M. Ryba

Dr. Cameron M. Ryba was named Superintendent in July, 2015 and brings experience in all facets of K-12 education. Dr. Ryba began his career in education as a fourth grade teacher. In 2003, he came to Strongsville Schools, first as an Assistant Principal at Albion Middle School and later as Principal at both Muraski Elementary and Center Middle School. Dr. Ryba served as Principal of Copley High School prior to returning to Strongsville in 2012 as Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources and Staff Development.

Dr. Ryba graduated from Garfield Heights High School and attended The Ohio State University earning a Bachelor of Music and Master of Education degrees. He earned his doctorate in Educational Leadership from the University of Akron with his research focusing on transformational leadership practices and collective teacher efficacy.

Dr. Ryba is a passionate and dedicated educator who works for what is in the best interest of students. He believes that education is best done with a supportive and collaborative relationship between the District, parents, and community - and that by working together, there is no end to what can be accomplished.

Dr. Ryba’s vision and plan is a commitment to building a District of excellence and innovation that embodies the educational priorities of its students and community, and built on the foundation of academic emphasis, collective trust, and shared accountability. Dr. Ryba believes that through collective efforts, Strongsville City Schools will be a premier school district in the region and the state. 


 Shelly Petrie
Administrative Assistant, Superintendent's Office